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Woodstock Chakra and Precious Stones ←

Woodstock Chakra Chimes, 7 Stones

Woodstock Chakra Chimes, 7 Stones
Woodstock Chakra Chimes, 7 Stones Woodstock Chakra Chimes, 7 Stones

Price: €58.95 includes delivery

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According to tradition, there are 7 basic chakras, which correlate to the 7 main nerve ganglia emanating from the spinal column.  Each chakra location has a unique meaning and healing potential.

Chakra Chimes combine colour and sound to underscore the ancient meaning of the major energy centres of the human body.

Six solid chimes of silver alloy hang beneath a hardwood top of black ash.  Each of the energy centres is represented by the different colour stones which hang in the centre:  amethyst (crown chakra); lapis (brow); turquoise (throat); aventurine (heart); citrine (solar plexus); carnelian (sacral) and red coral (base chakra).

The windcatcher is a flat, silver alloy spiral.

Threaded on rot-proof black nylon line, this item is weather-resistant and carries a one year guarantee and is attractively boxed.

Overall length:  45 cm (17.75 inches)
Diameter:  7 cm (2.75 inches)
Longest chime:  18.5 cm (7.25 inches)

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